You can’t get more American than this.
July 4th, 1984. The Firecracker 400, Daytona International Speedway.

Air Force One carrying then President Ronald Ragan comes into land while Richard “The King” Petty dives his number 43. Now I need to point out that President Ragan was not only due to attend the event, but actually started the race while still on board Air Force One en route to Daytona.

Using a phone he said: ‘I wish all the drivers a safe race and all of you an exciting and fun-filled Fourth of July,’ he said from his Air Force One cabin, 8,000 feet in the air near Quantico, Va. ‘So now all that is left to say is, Gentlemen, start your engines.’
Now before you think this photo was staged, think again. The 400 was in full swing when Ragan arrived and news cameras caught the Presidential Jet coming into land just as Richard Petty sped past. Talk about a once in a lifetime shot!